Cable (Josh Brolin) and Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) work out their differences in Deadpool 2. (Marvel Entertainment)

Cable (Josh Brolin) and Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) work out their differences in Deadpool 2. (Marvel Entertainment)

Reel Reviews: A shallower Deadpool

We say, "It is more of the same for Deadpool 2."

Costumed, super-anti-hero Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) finds himself once again reluctantly needing to team up with other mutants to save the day and perhaps in the process, save himself.

We say, “It is more of the same for Deadpool 2.”

TAYLOR: The Deadpool films are unique in the field of Marvel superhero fare, in that: they are essentially comedies, they are for adult audiences (or rather, are rated R) and the main character is aware he’s in a movie. These three aspects are enough, it seems, for entertainment value, but they are gimmicks of sorts and gimmicks wear thin quickly. Having said that, while in the cinema, filled with eager audience members and their parental chaperones, I too was entertained by Deadpool 2, albeit while getting a little tired of CGI fight scenes and explosions by the ending. Perhaps this franchise is experiencing the problems associated with success, more money and more of the same formula.

HOWE: I wasn’t a fan of the first movie and Deadpool 2 hasn’t convinced me either to hop on the “this is the best comic book movie crossover ever” bandwagon. I found it as repetitive as the first and in a twisted sort of way I found it too cute and sickly as it seems to be trying way too hard. Some of the funnies just didn’t hit the mark with me, maybe I wasn’t in the mood for this or maybe it just wasn’t that funny. Whatever the reason it didn’t keep me enthralled like other comic book flicks. Antman and the Wasp comes out soon and that looks a lot more entertaining and funny.

TAYLOR: I thought it was fun, but as I said, got tired of fight scenes/chase scenes/explosions. I found myself laughing quite a bit, which is good, Deadpool films are supposed to be funny. However, I do think that very little new is being offered here. Deadpool is the same likeable grump and although he has now hit rock bottom, discovering that although he can’t be killed, he has nothing to live for, it’s not like audiences can develop more than the most shallow empathy for such a flippant, disposable character. So the heartstrings have to remain unpluckable. We simply don’t care about this hero that doesn’t care either. As the film can’t produce sympathy and satire simultaneously and we are constantly reminded that we’re watching a movie, Deadpool 2 remains oddball, forgettable fun.

HOWE: There is action, more so than in the first film and if you are into that sort of thing, then you will have a blast. I would like something with a little more substance rather than a movie that relies so much on CGI. This is packed to the rafters with effects. One good thing about this though is it was shot in Vancouver and if you look carefully you can make out some of the landmarks.

Taylor gives Deadpool 2 3.5 Logan remakes out of 5.

Howe gives it 2 time travelling watches out of 5.

— Brian Taylor and Peter Howe are film reviewers based in Vernon.

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