Batman (Will Arnett), Emmett (Chris Pratt) and Wildstyle (Elizabeth Banks) flee as fast as their little legs will carry them in The Lego Movie.

Batman (Will Arnett), Emmett (Chris Pratt) and Wildstyle (Elizabeth Banks) flee as fast as their little legs will carry them in The Lego Movie.

Reel Reviews: All the pieces fit in Lego movie

Everything is awesome for Emmett, a construction worker Lego figurine happy to tow the line.

Everything is awesome for Emmett, a construction worker Lego figurine happy to tow the line.

He contributes to the clockwork-like society of Legoland until it is believed that he might be the “Special” who it is prophesied to save the universe, stopping the evil Lord Business with the piece of resistance.

But is Emmett really the chosen one?

We ask, “What’s not to love?”

TAYLOR: Everybody loves this film, kids and adults alike. Even before I had seen the film I had heard from several friends and acquaintances about how The Lego Movie was a rockin’ good time. I expected it to be well received. It has every reason to succeed: It’s a fun movie about a fun product that many of us know well, or are at least familiar with. It’s set in modern times so it can make use of every pop culture reference point, buzzword and meme. It has big name stars, (not that that matters too much,) funny jokes and a snappy pace.

FENIN: Everything is awesome….

HOWE: Stop it, Fenin, you know I won’t get that song out of my head.

FENIN: Everything is cool…

HOWE: Really? Anyway I will have to agree with you. Everything is awesome and cool about The Lego Movie. Not since the original Toy Story movie have I enjoyed an animated film as much. And that’s a tall order since we have had some great ones since Toy Story came out in 1995.

TAYLOR: The film is fun, clean, healthy, loud and fast. It’s everything but clever, which is fine as there are enough obvious Lego jokes to go around. I enjoyed it. It was also fun technically, although it is a computer generated film, everything in the film is made out of Lego, including drops of water.

FENIN: The kitty that lived in the cloud was my favourite part. She was very funny. Crazy eyes…

HOWE: I liked that they jumped from realm to realm, one minute they are in Lego city the next in the wild west or medieval times. And for some reason it reminds me of another movie that I just can’t place right now.

TAYLOR: Some other movie where a prophesied saviour with self doubt reveals the truth about reality and saves the day.

HOWE: Everything is awesome, everything is cool… Damn that song.

— Fenin gives The Lego Movie 5 Lego people out of 5.

— Howe gives it 4.5 shower bubbles out of 5.

— Taylor gives it 4 mispronounced household items out of 5.

The film is currently playing at the Galaxy Cinemas in Vernon.

— Brian Taylor and Peter Howe are film reviewers from Vernon BC whose column, Reel Reviews, appears in The Morning Star every Friday and Sunday.

Vernon Morning Star