Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt battle against alien invaders in Edge of Tomorrow.

Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt battle against alien invaders in Edge of Tomorrow.

Reel Reviews: Cruise’s world ends, again and again

Edge of Tomorrow shows that if at first you don’t succeed, try, try and keep on trying...

After an alien invasion has left nearly three quarters of Europe to waste, all that stands in the enemy’s way is the United Defense Force (UDF).

With no experience and forced into battle along with the J-Squad, UDF spokesperson, Major William Cage (Tom Cruise), is told to capture the fight on film to give the people of the world hope.

We say, If at first you don’t succeed, try, try and keep on trying”

HOWE: Today I am joined by guest reviewer John Dent. Mr. Taylor is in Vegas and I know he is very upset that he has missed Edge of Tomorrow as he is a huge Tom Cruise fan and was looking forward so much to this.

Anyway back to the film, what did you think John?

DENT: Watch. Enjoy. Repeat.

Edge of Tomorrow was by no means Earth shattering or amazing and the baddies seemed to be something born of a romantic night between the alien from Alien and the Tasmanian devil but it was fun.  The plot made enough sense that I believed the cause of Case’s supernatural Groundhog Day ability.

So would you like the power to replay a day over and over or would you always worry the day may not reset itself when you died?

HOWE:  I like Cruise movies. Yes, they are way over the top, so far fetched and his acting ability isn’t fantastic, but there is something that pulls them together that makes them an enjoyable, action flick.

This is no different.

DENT: While I liked the concept of the movie, I found it a bit jarring constantly having to remember that Emily Blunt and the whole J-Squad had only known Case for less than a day.  That being said, he seems to learn a lot about J-Squad in his months, if not years, of playing the same day over and over again.

That begs the question, why would J-Squad ever tell Case all these personal details he uses to convince them when by their accounts they never really get to know him or like him?

HOWE: Throughout the movie I noticed that some of the stuff going on didn’t make that much sense, but being a sci-fi action movie I can let such things slide.

I ask myself did it hold my attention for the two hours and I have to say yes, from beginning to end, so it has done its purpose at entertaining me.

DENT: There were definite plot holes in logic but I had a blast at the movie, and that seems to be a less common occurrence these days.  I didn’t enjoy it so much when the screen went black and I could just hear Tom Cruise fighting an alpha alien in a scene that, later, seemed quite plot critical, but that may just be the magic of the movie going experience.

– Howe gives Edge of Tomorrow 4 sets of helicopter keys out of 5.

– Dent gives it 4 motorbike rides out of 5.

The film is currently playing at the Galaxy Cinemas in Vernon.

Peter Howe and Brian Taylor are film reviewers based in Vernon, B.C.

Vernon Morning Star