Felicity Jones is Jyn Erso, who brings to light the Death Star’s weakness in Rogue One.

Felicity Jones is Jyn Erso, who brings to light the Death Star’s weakness in Rogue One.

Reel Reviews: Star Wars goes rogue

Taylor and Howe, say, “Rogue One: Star Wars Story is a 3.85 out of 5.”

Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) is a young rebel with nothing to lose when she discovers a message from her long estranged father, the designer of the Death Star, a weapon capable of reducing an entire planet to twinkling dust.

In his plans he built in a fatal flaw, a hidden weakness that could be used to destroy the Death Star. Discovering that weakness and getting the message to the Rebel forces who can exploit the information will take a rag-tag group of rebels, led by a young woman with nothing to lose.

We say, “Star Wars 3.85 is a 5.”

TAYLOR: I liked it. There was very little about it I didn’t like and I’ll get to that, but this was an entertaining, fun, blockbuster swashbuckler. I may have liked it more than the recent The Force Awakens.

HOWE: I will have to agree with you once again on your last comment.

The last Star Wars movie we scored pretty high (maybe a 10 out of 10) and that may have something to do with the value of nostalgia. With Rogue One, I couldn’t really compare the two due to the fact that Rogue One has an all- new cast, well nearly new cast, but I thought it performed fantastic.

I would say it can stand alongside the others in the franchise proudly, well the ones that matter, you know what I mean.

TAYLOR: Well, they’re all kind of the same. Star Wars films are quest films, the characters move from one task in one place, to the next.

It was enjoyable to see some old faces, including those who required CGI to look as they did in A New Hope: Young Princess Leia is now too old and Peter Cushing, who played Grand Moff Tarkin is too dead. There are others as well, pudgy pilots, robots and everyone seems to have a 1970s’ haircut.

The thing is, it didn’t feel nearly as nostalgic as The Force Awakens. These are different characters, in different places, with even different musical themes, despite sort of doing the same ol’ things. I don’t know if the film would stand up well enough on its own, if someone who had no idea of the Star Wars saga saw it, but I do know that fans won’t be disappointed.

HOWE: On your final point I will disagree, I feel this could easily stand by itself. There is enough dialogue and information to understand what is going on. The battle scene at the end on the beach and in space will keep any fan or newbie glued to their seat.

Just one last point, Lord Vader was looking good. He doesn’t look like he has aged a day. I wonder what products he uses to keep himself looking young?

TAYLOR: Darth looked fat, literally. He was too wide, even in the helmet, but my wife and I did have to sit very close as the theatre was full.

– Taylor gives Rogue One 5 more sequels before I require change out of 5.

– Howe gives it 5 crystal necklaces out of 5.

Brian Taylor and Peter Howe are film reviewers based in Vernon, B.C.


Vernon Morning Star