Revelstoke musician tackles modern Canadian identity in new album

Over the last couple years Revelstoke artist Bruce Thomas has been exploring Canadian identity.

(Submitted)Bruce Thomas’ new album By Degrees looks at modern Canadian identity.

(Submitted)Bruce Thomas’ new album By Degrees looks at modern Canadian identity.

Over the last couple years Revelstoke artist Bruce Thomas has been exploring Canadian identity.

“Canada needed an invigorated determination of how it defines itself,” he said, in light of Canada 150, reconciliation and all the other changes going on within the country.

The Pulse Project incorporates carvings, video, photography, mixed media paintings and, most recently, an album.

By Degrees is convergent–it mixes many styles of music. On it you will hear everything from modern contemporary compositions, to running water, smooth vocals, horns, strings and even the giggle of a child.

Thomas said that the he made the album to capture modern Canadian culture in a positive and uplifting light. Along with that he addresses experiences he collected through the interviews he conducted for Pulse such as dealing with childhood trauma, colonialism and the discussing the philosophy of life and death.

“The central theme of the project was using music as a tool for healing, communication and having a positive impact on wellness and mental health in our society,” he said.

With these tracks Thomas said he wanted to confront modern culture and the issues facing Canadians today, with a positive and, at times, meditative sound.

READ MORE: Bruce Thomas explores Canadian landscapes in new multi-media exhibit

Though Thomas lived in Revelstoke for many years, and loves it, he said he has had to “work abroad” to make a living, in bigger centres in Eastern Canada.

By Degrees was created over the past five years, mostly on a portable unit Thomas carries with him.

The six track album is meant to be listened to as a whole. Thomas said he created more tracks, but limited the final playlist to 20 minutes, figuring he would lose peoples attention after that.

At the moment he doesn’t have plans to press the album, saying the best way to get it out to the world in this day and age is to stream it.

The album can be found on Soundcloud at

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