The cast of Rivercity Players’ production of the hilarious comedy Noises Off pour over the script. The play opens Oct. 22 at the Rivercity Stage at 1080 Hemlock St.

The cast of Rivercity Players’ production of the hilarious comedy Noises Off pour over the script. The play opens Oct. 22 at the Rivercity Stage at 1080 Hemlock St.

Rivercity making Noises

Called the funniest farce ever written, Noises Off has enjoyed long runs in London’s West End and on Broadway

Rehearsals are off to a flying start as Rivercity Players prepares for its next show, Noises Off by Michael Frayn.

Called the funniest farce ever written, Noises Off has enjoyed long runs in London’s West End and on Broadway. It has been performed in many languages all over the world and now, at last, it is Campbell River’s turn to enjoy this fantastic fiesta of fun. The story is about the onstage and offstage antics of a group of travelling actors as they rehearse a flop called Nothing’s On. The title is certainly appropriate, as some of the actresses run around in negligee and trousers keep falling down.

As with most English farces, the set contains a multiplicity of doors for the cast to run in and out of and occasionally slam. Words are misheard, identities mistaken, and there are two love affairs which eventually include the use of an axe. Just to keep the action moving, one of the actors is fond of a wee dram before he goes on and hides his bottle of courage in some very strange places. Plates of sardines also keep appearing and disappearing.

“It is a marvelously well written script and tremendously funny,” says the director, Alistair Taylor. “The cast is having fun and looking forward to passing on their enjoyment to the audiences.”

Noises Off will be performed on the Rivercity Stage at 1080 Hemlock Street at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 22-25, 29-31 and Nov. 7-8.

Tickets are $20 each and are on sale at Impressions Art Gallery, Comfort Zone, and the Laundromat in Tyee Plaza.



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