Book title of Great Expectations: Reflections on museums and Canada, by Jack Lohman. (Photo provided by Royal BC Museum)

Book title of Great Expectations: Reflections on museums and Canada, by Jack Lohman. (Photo provided by Royal BC Museum)

Royal BC Museum CEO published his own book

Great Expectations, by Royal BC Museum CEO, is now available for purchase.

Royal BC Museum’s latest book, Great Expectations: Reflections on museum and Canada, by Royal BC Museum CEO Prof. Jack Lohman CBE, is available to purchase.

Great Expectation is a series of brief essays, articulating how Lohman has implemented big ideas at the Royal BC Museum over the last seven years.

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“My central belief is that museums shape our perceptions of history, nature and society, and expand our understanding of diversity,” writes Prof. Lohman in the book’s preface. “They do not simply mirror society but form positive experiences, negotiating all the cultural thresholds that are in play: societal change, Indigenization, globalization, migration and loss of biodiversity, among others.”

The book also proposes ideas such as Canada becoming a safe haven for cultural artifacts found around the world. Much of the book attempts to describe, question, and support the idea of culture.

The book can be found at local bookshops, the Royal Museum Shop, and online for $14.95.

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