Runaway Moon welcomes all to project

The Enderby Calendar Wheel invites you to get creative — experience is not necessary

Have you ever noticed that the willow leaves turn toward the sky just before a rainstorm? Do you wait for migrating birds to return to signal the beginning of spring? Are your swallows still in the barn or have they raised their young and flown away?

The natural world engages in natural cycles and patterns right outside our front door. Do any seasonal indicators influence your life or bring joy to your days?

Runaway Moon invites people to drop in at the Maud Street Studio, 904 Maud St., where we’ll be working on a community art project unique to Enderby. Regular drop-in workshop days will be Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, and occasional other days, for the months of August and September.

The intention is to design a permanent art piece in Enderby that depicts seasonal indicators, local wild life and visual calendar happenings.

The Enderby Calendar Wheel welcomes your input in regards to seasonal knowledge and surface design details. Spend an afternoon stenciling, printing or mosaic building in support of art and the natural world. No experience necessary … just curiosity!

Molly March, scenic artist, painter and muralist, along with Cathy Stubington of Runaway Moon Theatre  will be on hand to share ideas and facilitate techniques. Previous Calendario projects will be on display for inspiration. (Maybe you’ve noticed the Bird Calendar Lamp posts … ?)

Look for posters around town for detailed times, or check our website at


Vernon Morning Star