Rust Valley Restorers’ Avery Shoaf, Mike Hall and son Connor Hall have been restoring cars on Mike’s Tappen property for three season’s of the popular History channel show. Season four is underway, and will feature the auction of Mike’s car collection. (Contributed)

Rust Valley Restorers’ Mike Hall not quite ready to bid adieu to entire 500-plus car collection

Auction of Mike Hall Collection to take place in Tappen on Oct. 2.

Mike Hall is ready to say goodbye to his beloved rusty collection of cars. Mostly.

It’s an emotional time for the star of the Tappen-based reality series Rust Valley Restorers. About four years ago, prior to the launch of the popular History channel series that focuses on Hall and his crew, including son Connor Hall, Avery Shoaf, Cassidy Mceown, Greg Preece, Rick Hamerston, Sarah Ward, and their turning Mike’s retro rust heaps into slick rides, there was another plan in mind. Mike had sought to sell the collection amassed over 40 years and the property he kept them on.

At that time, the collection included about 400 vehicles in various conditions. Today, Mike joked you can add about 200 to that, “give or take.”

With season four now underway, Mike is also on the cusp of finally achieving that original goal. He’s sold the property and is in the process of selling the cars through the auction house, Electric Garage.

The auction of the “Mike Hall Collection of over 500 unreserved cars” takes place on Oct. 2 in Tappen.

“Basically I have mixed feelings,” said Mike about bidding his collection goodbye. “I know it’s going to simplify my life. It’s really sad that they’re all going to go, but if they go to good homes and somebody does something with them, then I’ve done my job. Because a lot of these cars wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t been hoarding them the last 30-40 years.”

Hall said the auction will be filmed and featured in the final episode of season four. While it may be a difficult one, Mike admitted he couldn’t part with all of his collection. In fact, he’s holding on to more than initially planned.

“I told myself I was going to keep 10 cars,” said Hall. “But you know what they say about he road to hell being paved with good intentions. Well, we just did the final list of the cars I’m keeping and I’m up to 50.

“I’ve done a lot of things cold turkey but the cars are the hardest habit I’ve had to break.”

Asked about filming and any plans for retirement, Mike said filming has been steady, despite a shortened season three due to COVID-19, and that more than anything he’s just looking forward to a vacation.

“They’re talking season five…,” said Mike. “It’s been three years of filming almost non-stop. I’d like to take a little break. But one never knows what the future holds.”

One certainty, noted Mike, is that fans of Rust Valley Restorers will soon be able to enjoy season four.

“Tune into the History Channel and check out season four of Rust Valley Restorers. I’m paid to say that, I’ve got to say that at the end,” laughed Mike.

The show can also be viewed on Amazon’s STACKTV and MotorTrend On Demand. Season one and two can also be watched on Netflix.

Read more: Shuswap’s Mike Hall geared up for third season of Rust Valley Restorers

Read more: From rusted to restored, new TV show puts Shuswap on display

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