Nelson author Kristene Perron is adapting her book series into audio books using local voice talent and music.

Nelson author Kristene Perron is adapting her book series into audio books using local voice talent and music.

Sci-fi novel adds Nelson talent to adaptation

Authors Kristen Perron and Joshua Simpson to create audiobook version of Warpworld.

Nelson author Kristene Perron and her co-writer Joshua Simpson are currently working on adapting their popular science fiction bookWarpworld into an audio version utilizing local facilities and actors, including performer Lucas Myers.

“I like to tell people we write science fiction while using science fact,” said Perron of the series, which currently has two of five titles complete. The most recent one, Wasteland Renegades, was released in 2013.

“We could’ve just gone out there and hired somebody, but I really wanted to do this in Nelson because we have so much talent here, and I love the idea of collaborating,” said Perron. “So I approached Lucas Myers and asked him if he would be interested in being in it, and choosing some of the actors.”

They ultimately want approximately four voices to bring their book, which is often compared to legendary novel Dune, to life.

“The audio book world is just exploding. It’s the big new thing in publishing,” she said.

Local composer Don MacDonald has agreed to donate a short musical score to serve as an intro and an outro to the text.

“The great thing about the audio book world now is actors in Nelson, they’re not confined by geography. They can compete for jobs with anyone in the world. And it’s a lucrative career,” she said.

Perron is also passionate about self-publishing, and is teaching a workshop on the topic at Oxygen Arts Centre on November 15 and 16, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The pair are currently working on the third book in their series. The first two are available for sale from Otter Books.


Nelson Star