Science camp still looking for specimens

Space is available for 6 - 13 year-old kids in Earth & Oceans, Past & Present

Still want to enroll your kids in a Science Camp?

Space is available for 6 – 13 year-old kids in Earth & Oceans, Past & Present ( August 12,13 &14, 12 – 4 p.m.), $100 per child. This three-day program is guaranteed to interest your budding biologist. With a focus on the Marine Biology and Geology of Vancouver Island, observe amazing live ocean creatures and fossil specimens and learn how to identify them through hands-on discovery. Create a fossil mold and cast to take home.

Bring a lunch, drink and outdoor play-clothes. Call the Black Creek Community Centre at 250-337-5190 for some fun summer learning! For more information visit

Campbell River Mirror