Scottish dancing in the Valley

Scottish Country Dancing Society celebrates 150 years of Scottish heritage in the Comox Valley

Scottish Country Dancing Society celebrates  150 years of Scottish heritage in the Comox Valley, by offering monthly free introductory classes for young-minded persons between the ages of 13 and 93, who enjoy having social fun and a bit of exercise.

No fancy dress is required and this should not be confused with Highland dancing. Scottish country dancing is a more relaxed, informal type of social dancing in couples within sets of eight. There is no need for you to bring a partner – singles will be accommodated.

Popular all around the world, Scottish country dancing is very much like other European social dancing akin to contra dancing, ceilidh dancing and Irish set dancing. It is gracious traditional dancing with lovely music. Derived from 400-year-old social dancing traditions, Scottish country dancing was formally organized in the 1920s. Teaching and practice norms are now regulated by the Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society, and the Comox Valley is blessed to have two of Canada’s best instructors.

Scottish country dancing is currently undergoing a revival among groups of all ages with the renewed interest in Celtic music. It is an opportunity to enjoy some terrific music, good company and general fun for a couple of hours each week.

Free lessons in a public open house format are scheduled for Mondays Sept. 12, Oct. 3 and Nov. 7, 7:30-9:30 p.m. at the Comox United Church hall (corner of Comox Avenue and Beach Drive.) Teenagers between 13 and 16 should be accompanied by an adult. FMI visit or phone Heather at 250-897-2670.

Comox Valley Record