Searching for excellence

If you know an outstanding artist or athlete, now is the time to speak up.

If you know an outstanding artist or athlete, now is the time to speak up.

The Salmar Association is again casting its net for someone who displays excellence in either sports or the arts.

As they have in the past several years, directors are planning to hand out a $1,000 grant in their Salmar Award of Excellence program.

“The award will be made to an individual who has attained an outstanding level of skill or expertise in his or her field of performing arts or athletics, to be recognized at the provincial and/or national level,” says Salmar rep John Henderson. “By his or her performance, the successful recipient will bring recognition to themselves and the Shuswap.”

Nominations for the award should be made to the Salmar board by March 31. The grants committee will consider the nominations and take their recommendations to the June meeting of the Salmar Board.


Salmon Arm Observer