Seascapes inspire artist

NANAIMO – Barbara Lorimer is the featured artist at the Art 10 Gallery for October.

Barbara Lorimer’s acrylic paintings are on display at the Art 10 Gallery inside the Nanaimo North Town Centre this month.

Barbara Lorimer’s acrylic paintings are on display at the Art 10 Gallery inside the Nanaimo North Town Centre this month.

The beach can be an inspiring place and for Nanaimo’s Barbara Lorimer, that’s exactly what it is.

“I was born on the Prairies, but I have always lived on the Island and I have always loved the beach,” she said.

Currently on display at the Art 10 Gallery inside the Nanaimo North Town Centre is Lorimer’s exhibit, Left Behind. The exhibit features nine acrylic paintings on two of her favourite things, the ocean and the beach.

“I often do seascapes,” she said.

Lorimer moved to Nanaimo in 1976 after living in Victoria. She took up painting in 2001 after seeing some paintings in a local gallery.

“I thought I could do this, which sounds really vain, but I think that is what gets people interested in trying,” Lorimer said. “So I bought myself some paints and I started.”

Today, Lorimer works mainly with acrylic and paints pictures of forests, rivers, oceans and beaches. She also uses pastels to do portraits of people and pets.

“I worked hard,” Lorimer said. “I often put in four or five hours and I like to work most days.”

In 2007, Lorimer was a member of the Nanaimo Arts Council when she decided to join the Art 10 Gallery.

She says being a part of the gallery is special.

“It is just a wonderful way to spend your time and it is nice to have like-minded friends to spend your time with,” she said. “Art 10 is like a club. We all enjoy each other and are encouraging.”


Nanaimo News Bulletin