Season opens with laughter

Snuffles, snorts, squeals and guffaws marked Shuswap Theatre’s production of The Odd Couple on Sunday

Snuffles, snorts, squeals and guffaws marked Shuswap Theatre’s production of The Odd Couple on Sunday.

The battle between fussy Felix Unger and slobbish Oscar Madison was well-played by talented veteran actor Fred Green and George Rithaler (thank heavens he came out of the lighting booth) in the excellent set depicting their New York apartment.

Slapstick or wisecrack, Green and Rithaler were evenly matched and entertaining. The supporting band of poker-playing “brothers” provided many laughs of their own.

Indefatigable volunteer Randy Brogdan  oversaw the design and building of the set, and is equally handy on-stage, drawing laughs of his own as the impatient, cigar-sucking Speed.

Also proving his worth on and off the stage, Peter Molnar says he felt some compatibility with Felix and Oscar.

An old-hand at acting, Mike Nash is a welcome newcomer to Shuswap Theatre, where he plays Murray, one of New York’s finest.

Long a patron of the theatre, Randy Piccini has come out from behind the curtain to “challenge his Alzheimer’s” and play the clock-watching Vinnie. Good job.

Enter the ladies!

Veteran of musical roles at Shuswap Theatre, Michelle La Grange Holmes gave up her high C for over-the-top giggling with “sister” and newcomer to Salmon Arm Helen Wall. The pair aptly played the bubble-headed upstairs neighbours, who offer Felix sanctuary when fed-up Oscar throws him out.

Julia Body has provided fine direction in this, the theatre’s first Mainstage Production of the season. And as always, the behind-the-scenes crew has done an admirable job with set decor, costumes, lighting and more.

There’s still time to catch the laughs as the production wraps this weekend with performances at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 6, Friday, Nov. 7 and Saturday, Nov. 8.

Tickets are available at Intwined Fibre Arts or online at


Salmon Arm Observer