Seniors Centre to host murder mystery

A Clearcut Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre is being served Saturday, May 4 at 6 p.m.

On Saturday, May 4, the Sicamous Seniors Centre will be serving up roast beef, preceded by a case of murder.

The meal will be cooked by the centre’s volunteers, while the accompanying play, A Clearcut Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre, is being concocted by writer/director Margaret Roberts, with assistance from producer Terry Sinton.

While there is a stage at the centre, the action will take place among the diners in this interactive theatrical offering. Sinton, who will also be performing in the show, says the actors are given a character study and a plot, but there is no script. How the mystery unfolds is a surprise for everyone involved.

“It can be pretty exciting because even the actors really don’t know what kind of interactions are going to happen,” said Sinton. “You don’t know what questions people are going to ask you, you don’t know how they’re going to react. It’s a little bit scary but it’s kind of fun too.”

The show starts at 6 p.m., with tickets, at $10, available at the seniors centre. For more info, call 250-836-2446.


Eagle Valley News