Melissa Hazel Lowe plays the Cat in the Hat in Portal Players’ production of Seussical the Musical, coming to the Capitol Theatre.

Melissa Hazel Lowe plays the Cat in the Hat in Portal Players’ production of Seussical the Musical, coming to the Capitol Theatre.

Seussical opens soon

The costume parade is always an exciting time for Portal Players when they roll out a new production, and Sunday afternoon was no different.

The costume parade is always an exciting time for Portal Players when they roll out a new production, and Sunday afternoon was no different.

“I love how they get into their characters a little bit,” said Janet Deakin, who is producing Seussical the Musical, which starts Feb. 13 at the Capitol Theatre.

Costume designer Stephanie Fortin and her sister helpers, Jenny and Ellisha, prepared costumes for 24 characters plus changes for approval from artistic director Elliot Drew on Sunday.

The green room was a beehive as Carrera Schroeder ensured hair (by Alter Ego Studio students) and makeup were applied.

Seussical the Musical is based on stories by Dr. Seuss only set to music. Janet Schlackl and Sandy Bouleau took care of the vocal training and music, respectively.

Tickets are available in advance at the Capitol box office, Monday through Thursday, 3–6 p.m., $15 (kids 12 and under) and $25 (everyone else). Reserved seating now available.

Seussical plays Friday nights Feb. 13, 20, 27 and March 6; Saturdays Feb. 14, 21, 28 and March 7 and Sundays Feb. 22 and March 1.

Alberni Valley News