Shakespeare Festival planned

It will be a time of theatrical celebration and dramatic moments at the 13th annual Good Will Shakespeare festival in Summerland.

It will be a time of theatrical celebration and dramatic moments as students from around the province take part in the 13th annual Good Will Shakespeare festival in Summerland.

The festival, which runs from May 9 to 11, features instruction and workshops by experts in theatre and the arts.

“We have the best group of professionals we’ve ever had,” said Linda Beaven, organizer of the festival.

The theme of this year’s festival is, “Who hath the story for your ear?”

Beaven said the festival is important, especially for students from smaller communities who often have limited opportunities to explore the arts.

She added that the students have often left the festival encouraged after meeting others who share their enthusiasm for the arts.

This year, members of the public can also get a glimpse into the Shakespeare festival.

On the Thursday and Friday evenings, plays staged by the students will be open to the public.

On the Saturday, those interested in getting an overview of the festival can meet at the stairs at Summerland Secondary School at 11 a.m. for a walking tour of the workshops.

Beaven said there has been plenty of support from the community.


Summerland Review