Shawnigan Players take home provincial theatre awards

The Shawnigan Players impressed judges recently as they took their production 'August: Osage County' to the provincial competition

Actress Jan Ovans, seen here in ‘August: Osage County’ earlier this year, has won the best actress award from TheatreBC Mainstage.

Actress Jan Ovans, seen here in ‘August: Osage County’ earlier this year, has won the best actress award from TheatreBC Mainstage.

The Shawnigan Players impressed judges recently as they took their production August: Osage County to the provincial level competition at Theatre BC Mainstage.

Jan Ovans carried off the best actress award for her portrayal of Violet Weston, the entire cast got an honourable mention for best ensemble and Alex Gallacher got an honourable mention for best director.

In addition, the Shawnigan Players themselves were given the chutzpah award for their decision to take on August: Osage County.

“The competition was particularly strong this year and August: Osage County, which originally was set up in a small room with alley staging and no set, had to be performed on a huge proscenium-style stage without the help of microphones,” said the Players’ Marinus Vesseur.

He praised the group effort, saying, “They did remarkably well despite the disadvantages. There was a standing ovation at the end — and deservedly so.”

Cowichan Valley Citizen