Shred Kelly gears up for Stoke Folk show

Local band Shred Kelly is back in Fernie to play their only shows of the winter before heading overseas to play shows in Europe.

Shred Kelly at the Stoke Folk show in 2015. This year’s concert will be the band’s only performance in Fernie before they head on a U.S. and European tour.

Shred Kelly at the Stoke Folk show in 2015. This year’s concert will be the band’s only performance in Fernie before they head on a U.S. and European tour.

Local band Shred Kelly is back in Fernie to play their only shows of the winter before heading overseas to play shows in Europe.

The band will be heading to tour the U.S. and Germany in March and look forward to playing for the first time in these countries.

“We’ve never been to those places. We have heard lots of really positive things about Germany. Lots of musicians we have talked to say the way they experience music is completely different than in Canada,” said Sage McBride, vocalist and keyboard player for the band. “They go out to take in music, where here I think people will have to know who is playing or know something about them to go to a show. In Germany, it sounds like they are more eager to take a chance.”

Looking back at the band’s career one of the highlights for McBride was last summer’s festivals.

“We played at a bunch of festivals across Canada. The Winnipeg Folk Festival was a highlight and so was the Yellowknife festival,” said McBride. “That was really neat. It was cool because it was light the whole time. It was 2 a.m. and dusky so we didn’t really get much sleep but it was awesome.”

On Jan. 30, the band is playing two shows, offering an early all-ages show to get more families out.

“Our music is cross-generational. It’s nice to get to do more than cater to the 19+ age group. To do something for the kids or younger is neat,” said McBride, adding that she substitutes at daycares when the band isn’t on tour.

However, the band has toured for much of the year, with very little time in Fernie.

“We travel pretty much all summer and we do various tours in the fall and winter.  Last year we played maybe 150 shows or so,” said McBride. “It would be nice to spend more time in Fernie.  When we come back sometimes we go back to work or have things to get done and sometimes don’t have the opportunity to enjoy all the things that Fernie has to offer.”

Members of Shred Kelly came to Fernie originally for the snow. Over the years, they have made a home for themselves here. McBride believes Fernie is an unusually receptive town for its size.

“There are a lot of local people and people from all over who contribute to the local music scene. It seems like every night of the week there is a jam night or a show going on,” said McBride. “I think that happens more in this town than a lot of others because of the young vibrancy that Fernie attracts.”

McBride credits the vibrancy for allowing the band to continue to play here while touring elsewhere.

“There is the support of  people who lived here for years and there are people who are new to town who are excited to experience new things.”

The band is currently preparing to make a new album, and is hoping to start recording in May. McBride says the band’s sound is changing subtly, making it sound natural.

“The sound has naturally evolved without too much thought. It depends on what we listen to or the different experiences we have. The music has changed. It’s not something we can really put a finger on but it’s a natural progression.  This one is at its early stages but we are excited to see how our ideas are taking shape [while] working with one another.”

The band will keep their ‘Stoke Folk’ dancing signature sound but is also looking to test out some of the slower songs that have also become appealing.

The band will play two shows, starting with an all-ages show at 5 p.m. The late show is 19 plus, and is set to start at 8:30 p.m. and will last until 2 a.m. Tickets are on sale at and Freyja. Late show tickets are $20, while the early show tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for youth and free for kids under three. The late show will also feature Vancouver Island’s violin extremist, Kytami and DJ Phonik Ops for a set of classical meets electronic tunes. Local musician, Linden Gigliotti will open the evening.


The Free Press