A scene about snowboarding Mount Timothy from the Shred the Nar documentary that will be shown at the Gibraltar Room this Saturday starting at 2 p.m. before showing of the main film.

A scene about snowboarding Mount Timothy from the Shred the Nar documentary that will be shown at the Gibraltar Room this Saturday starting at 2 p.m. before showing of the main film.

Shred the Nar film clip to screen Saturday

When Oliver Berger told me about his project to ski the smaller, not so well known hills in B.C. together with Morgan Day.

When Oliver Berger told me about his project to ski the smaller, not so well known hills in B.C. together with Morgan Day, also of Williams Lake, my mind immediately went into overdrive.

Did  Oliver mention they made short films about the different hills called Shred the Nar?

Wouldn’t these short films be just perfect for the Williams Lake Film Club?

Ever the good sport Oliver made a couple of discs for me and starting this Saturday, Dec. 6 we will show the first segment before our main feature Which Way Home at the Gibraltar Room starting at 2 p.m.

The first segment shows snow boarding on Mt. Timothy.

You will see the different trails, the beautiful countryside, and many faces you probably know, including Oliver’s parents, Willy and Verena Berger.

I love Oliver and Morgan’s idea of showcasing the smaller, less-known ski hills.

They obviously had a lot of fun and hopefully this will convince you to visit these places instead of automatically flocking to the larger overcrowded hot-spots.

Morgan will be present at our screening on Saturday, Oliver unfortunately is out of town.

I will ask Morgan to stay for refreshments after our screening to answer all of your questions. That should be great fun!

Bring another dollar for a cool bumper sticker Shred the Nar to support their efforts.

Williams Lake Tribune