Sidney goes back to the 1650s with Raven Baroque

The 11-piece group will perform classical music hits at Sidney’s Beacon Pavilion next week.

Raven Baroque are set to perform at Beacon Pavilion August 12.

Raven Baroque are set to perform at Beacon Pavilion August 12.

The audience will be taken back to the 1650’s with classical music hits from the Baroque era presented by the 11-piece group, Raven Baroque.

The group is part of Island String Players Society which runs the Victoria Chamber Orchestra.

President of the Society and organizer of the group Don Kissinger said they have a program called special events which gives members an opportunity to organize something on their own.

“So I wanted to do a little bit more of baroque playing, that is the music of that era, and … it’s done without a conductor,” he said.

“Most groups of any size like say several instruments are conducted just to try to get things together but the way it works in Baroque is you listen to each other and you agree on a common time and then as the work progresses and if there is a need for a change, you adjust to what you hear so that we’re all working together still.”

For this particular group, Kissinger asks friends and people in the music faculty at the University of Victoria if they know of young people that might be interested in playing, while also gaining some experience.

“What we have done in the past is we’ve used young violin players or cello players to play some of the solos and take a leadership role in the group.

“And it gives them experience because as a young student or even in university, you don’t get much opportunity to perform a solo with a string orchestra,” he said.

The upcoming performance will provide a range of works, including Antonio Vivaldi’s two-cello concerto, Georg Philipp Telemann’s two-viola concerto and two pieces for flute and violin, along with one for three violins. A single concerto for violin by Tomaso Albinoni will follow. The group will perform on Aug. 12 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Beacon Pavilion.

The performance is free but donations are always welcome.

Peninsula News Review