Tenise Marie recorded songs at JB Fletcher Store in Ainsworth for the upcoming Pie in the Sky tiny concert series, which is being hosted virtually by the Slocan Lake Arts Council. (Whitelight Photography)

Slocan Lake Arts Council hosting virtual tiny concert series

Tenise Marie is performing in the first one on March 27

Tenise Marie will be playing a virtual concert on March 27.

The Slocan Lakes Arts Council has created Pie in the Sky, a tiny virtual concert series, hosted by Martine denBok and Noel Fudge, will air live on Facebook at 7 p.m.

Tenise Marie pre-recorded three songs at the JB Fletcher Store in Ainsworth.

She grew up in Argenta, attended high school in Kaslo, and has lived winters in nearby Nelson, on Vancouver Island, in Alberta, in Hawaii and in Australia, returning to the North Kootenay Lake region each summer to ground herself and renew her inspiration.

At heart Tenise Marie is a songwriter.

The beginning of the pandemic saw an unwillingness and resistance to creation and it was honestly all I could do to motivate myself to pick up my guitar, let alone write songs, she said.

“I feel so fortunate I was able to persevere through that discomfort and find inspiration again,” she said. “I almost feel like I am meeting myself for the first time, learning how to think, how to write, and how to love.”

With more free time in 2020, Tenise Marie returned to the piano, the first instrument she ever played as a child.

“I am making a conscious effort to focus my time and energy on that which is in my control,” she said. “I have been prioritizing my physical and mental health, creating time for exercise and diving deep into therapy and personal development.”

Inspired by Joni Mitchell, Lana Del Ray, Maggie Rogers and Taylor Swift, her songwriting comes from personal experience, travel and relationships with nature and with people.

See the tiny concert online on the Slocan Lakes Arts Council Facebook page.


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