Smith adding acrylics

An art show at the Filberg Lodge this weekend features the work of Valley artist Joe Smith.

THE CLAM DIGGER is a painting by Joe Smith, whose work is on display this weekend at the Filberg Lodge in Comox.

THE CLAM DIGGER is a painting by Joe Smith, whose work is on display this weekend at the Filberg Lodge in Comox.

The show, which takes place Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., highlights the two different mediums that Smith has been working in over the past few years.

Initially known for his watercolours, Smith has added works in acrylic to his repertoire. Visitors to this show will be able to see and compare how the artist has chosen each medium to suit the subject matter.

“Each medium,” says Smith, “provides me with the opportunity to convey a different sense of style for the seascapes and landscapes that I like to paint. While watercolours tend to have a softer look and are good to depict misty shores and a relaxed feeling, acrylics help balance that by allowing me to paint with bolder more intense colour.”

The paintings Smith has chosen for this show cover a wide spectrum of subject matter. From stormy weather blowing over the sands at Goose Spit to spectacular sunsets on the Pacific Rim, Smith’s paintings provide an overall sense of the scenic beauty that B.C. is known for around the world.

During the course of the year, Smith holds a number of solo exhibitions of his work at Filberg Lodge. However, he says that the July show is one of his favourites because of all the other activities taking place in the park.

The Tea House is open so visitors can plan on coming for lunch, taking in the show and enjoying the atmosphere of  the grounds. In addition the Hands on Farm is in operation so families can turn the day into an outing.

On Sunday afternoon visitors will also be able to enjoy an open air concert featuring the Lensmen, a four-member band whose repertoire covers a lot of musical territory that ranges from jazz to the golden age of the crooners.

“Filberg Lodge at this time of the year is such a great place to hold a show,” says Smith. “With the art show and all the other activities taking place its like going to a mini cultural festival.”

Filberg Lodge is located at 61 Filberg Road in Comox.

— Joe Smith


Comox Valley Record