A band of activists from London’s gay and lesbian community form an unlikely, anti-Thatcherite alliance with striking Welsh miners in Pride.

A band of activists from London’s gay and lesbian community form an unlikely, anti-Thatcherite alliance with striking Welsh miners in Pride.

Snow storm cancels film society’s showing of Pride

The society has decided to add the film to its annual week-long film festival Feb. 27 to March 5.


The Vernon Film Society has cancelled Monday’s showings of the film Pride because of heavy snowfall.

The society has decided to add the film to its annual week-long film festival Feb. 27 to March 5.


The Vernon Film Society opens its winter season Monday, Jan. 5 with the movie Pride.

This British movie has earned rave reviews and accolades wherever it has been shown. It is based on the true story of how the gay and lesbian community in London supported miners in Wales during the devastating miners’ strike in 1984-1985.

At the Gay Pride March in London, a group of gay and lesbian activists decide to raise money to support the families of the striking miners, however, initially the National Union of Mineworkers seemed to be embarrassed to receive their support.

The miners of one community realize they and the London group share a lot in common – both are reviled by the press and the politicians and agree to meet and accept the donation in person.

The film shows with humour and insight how this extraordinary story of two seemingly alien communities form a surprising and ultimately triumphant partnership.

Outstanding performances by Bill Nighy and Imelda Staunton add to the enjoyment of the movie. This is from the same era as the film Billy Elliot and shows the bitterness and hardship that the miners had to overcome in their battle with the Thatcher government.

Pride will be shown at the Vernon Towne Cinema Monday at 5:15 p.m. and 7:45 p.m.Tickets are available at the theatre and the Bean Scene. All tickets are $7 cash.

The film is rated PG for coarse language and sexual content.


Vernon Morning Star