Snow White set to enchant audiences

Rainbow Youth Theatre is set to entertain with its musical presentation Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Rainbow Youth Theatre brings Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to the Mark Isfeld stage.

Rainbow Youth Theatre brings Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to the Mark Isfeld stage.

Rainbow Youth Theatre is set to entertain with its vibrant and charming musical presentation Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

It is directed and choreographed by Candice Woloshyn with musical direction from Carrie Lemke, the pairing who brought us 2015’s Wizard of Oz. This Grimm’s Fairy Tale version features a cast of 35 actors ranging in age from 6-14.

The good-hearted King (Owen Valmorbida) and endearing Queen (Kassidy Stewart) deeply love their young daughter Snow White (Rhapsody Spruit).

But after the Queen dies, the King remarries Wicked Queen Enviana (Rebecca Winkelaar) who plots to kill the older Snow White (Sarah Collins) because the Mirror (Sarah Dolman) deems her more beautiful than the Queen.

When Snow White escapes and hides in the forest house of seven hilarious and lovable dwarfs (Liam Arsenault, Carson Faulkner, Jimmy Hampshire, Griffin Moquin, Jamie Roberts, Sam Sterk, and Nikolas Strilets), adventures ensue, introducing fairies, woodland animals, and of course a handsome and gallant young Prince Charming (Marcus Greaves).

A fun note is that Snow White features many sibling pairings: brothers and huntsmen Nicholas and Owen Tarrant; fairy sisters Avery and Maile Wesner; and brother and sister pairings Claire and Carson Faulkner, Liam and Kaya Arsenault, Jamie and Olivia Roberts, Brynn and Shane Passaro, and Markus and Charlotte (backstage assistance) Greaves.

Are you looking for an enchanting cultural experience this summer? Snow White’s antiquated ideas concerning beauty and love furnish an opportunity to discuss how values have changed.

The tale takes to the Mark Isfeld stage at 7 p.m. on July 28, 29, 30 and 31, and at 2 p.m. on July 30 and Aug. 1, with $12 tickets for festival seats at Courtenay’s Podlings and Comox’s Red Carpet.

Comox Valley Record