Canada's indie rock darlings Arcade Fire make Dustin Stashko's playlist for the perfect Canada Day in Nelson.

Canada's indie rock darlings Arcade Fire make Dustin Stashko's playlist for the perfect Canada Day in Nelson.

Songs for a Nelson Canada Day

Nelson's Dustin Stashko shares songs to celebrate Canada Day.

It’s hard to believe Canada is only 144 years old. She doesn’t look a day over 100. Beautiful country too, and it’s easy to be patriotic about living here; we’ve got amazing beer, gorgeous women, (ladies, I didn’t forget about you… how about Ryan Gosling?) and above all else, we produce some of the GREATEST bands on the planet. Don’t roll your eyes at me, I’m not being over-dramatic, I’m speaking the truth. Here are some of Canada’s greatest bands/tracks. If you’re expecting to see Justin Bieber or Michael Buble on this list... just walk away right now and everything will be fine, okay?

The Guess Who: No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature – These guys are one of Canada’s best bands. The recipes that Burton Cummings and Randy Bachman cooked up were timeless, and this tune is arguably their best.

The Weakerthans: Plea From a Cat Named Virtue – Band from “the peg.” Lead song writer John K. Samson is one of Canada’s best. This song is told through the eyes of a cat who’s witnessing that aftermath of a break-up his master is going through… Tragic, but uplifting!

Broken Social Scene: 7/4 (Shoreline) – The now defunct BSS had all the good stuff; shimmering tracks with melting harmonies from multiple band members, percussive handclaps, banging guitar riffs…  Yes, the good stuff! This song will make your heart explode.

Arcade Fire: Rebellion – This one put this Grammy Award winning band on the map. Are you hipster if you like Arcade Fire? No, you just appreciate music.

Trooper: We’re Here for a Good Time – Alright, who doesn’t own the amazing album Hot Shots? Trooper was awesome at doing one thing: making music you can drink to. There’s a part of everyone that loves Trooper, if you don’t you should get acquainted with this one

Bedouin Soundclash: Mountain Top – These guys play songs that you can listen to again and again. If you ever travel to Jamaica, their music will be playing at every resort – which goes to show you the appeal factor they have.

Neil Young: Old Man – Quite simply, he’s a legend. He’s inspired countless artists, and isn’t showing any signs of stopping.

Joel Plaskett: A Million Dollars – One of Canada’s most underrated artists, maybe it’s because he’s from the Maritimes? Nah, that can’t be it. When Plaskett croons his lyrics, it’s hard not to relate to them. If you don’t, you’re not human.

Stars: One More Night – I remember while I was travelling in France, I met this Spanish couple and we had a large conversation about the epic nature of this song. Next morning I found out that they stole 200 bucks from me. Point of this story: the song rocks, and don’t trust Spanish couples with face tattoos.

The Tragically Hip: Fifty Mission Cap – Well come on, you’d think I’d miss Canada’s most patriotic band? Leave it to Gord Downie to craft a tune based around a curse on Canada’s most hated/celebrated hockey teams, The Toronto Maple Leafs.



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