Sooke Harbour Players elect new board

Steve Anderson steps down as president after three years

Steve Anderson in concert

Steve Anderson in concert

Pirjo Raits

Sooke News Mirror

The Annual General Meeting of the Sooke Harbour Players will be one of reminiscing and renewal.

On Saturday, Sept. 17, the members will gather to elect a new Board of Directors and to say farewell to current president Steve Anderson.

On Sept. 17, at the Sooke Community Hall from 4 to 6 p.m., a Blast from the Past will feature old Stage West Players videos, a photo display of past shows and refreshments. There will be an optional potluck for those who wish to participate.

Business begins at 6 p.m. with the year end review, financial report and election of the new board of directors.

When the new board takes their seats, they will be saying goodbye to president Steve Anderson.

Anderson has filled the role of president for the past three years and is ready for a new act.

“I spent my time and paid my dues… it’s time for a new president,” Anderson said, adding there are many highlights during his tenure as president and performer. “The highlight has been watching the excitement of seeing a show come to life, so many people making the shows come to life.”

He has taken on positions as director and producer as well being in the cast. He said he had the most fun as a  cast member in Howl.

He directed the four Fawlty Towers productions as well as Godspell and was the producer for After Life.

He has been excited about all of the productions and this year’s Annie is an exception. Annie hits the stage from Nov. 25 to Dec. 4.

“I will stay on the Board of Directors for one more year to assist with shows,” he said.

This year Sooke Harbour Players will be presenting a lifetime honorary membership to Sam and Carol Pasta.

The Pastas have been involved with the theatre group since its inception back in 1982 when it was called Stage West Players.

The AGM will end with a live music jam and open mic – dancing is permitted and more snacks will be forthcoming, from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.

This is an all ages event. The event is for members with annual dues paid.

Sooke Harbour Players has a membership of about 300 and a core group of about 90.

If you would like to be a part of the organization of the Sooke Harbour Players, get nominated for president, vice president, secretary, treasurer or a member, email your interest to:


Sooke News Mirror