Sooke Youth Show Choir preparing for new season

Kids with a love for singing and theatre have a place to perform

Between the Sooke Harbour Players, and Sooke Community Choir, albeit an extremely talented bunch, Sarah Wilson figured something was missing in the middle. Something tailored to attract an even younger crowd into participating.

Her idea grew into what is known today as Sooke Youth Show Choir, a group of talented young artists – the organization has one motto: everyone gets to participate and have fun.

“I saw a gap when it came to choral and musical theatre opportunities,” she said. “My intention was to give every child equal opportunity and access to a performing arts group in our community.”

Wilson currently serves as choir director and founder of the SYSC. She was also previously involved with both the Sooke Harbour Players and Sooke Community Choir.

The organization officially began in 2013, with their first performance being an inspiration piece after the popular Glee TV show, where kids performed various songs in their own style. That year, the group wrapped up the season with a production of The Jungle Book. It was at this point when people began recognizing that there is a theatre production for kids in Sooke.

It also gives kids a chance to let go of their stage-fright, said Keli Dunn, one of the members on the SYSC board.

“Being a kid can be hard in the best of times, so this is a place where kids can just be themselves,” she said. “Whether or not kids already have the confidence and want to be on stage, or level of experience, bottom line is, every child is talented,” Dunn said.

This past winter, the group performed a show inspired by Disney’s animated musical, Frozen, followed by a year-end performance of the all-time classic, The Wizard of Oz.

Several kids from the group performed at the SEAPARC Arts For Kids — the choir also performed last Saturday at Ed Macgregor Park for Art in the Park.

Registration for the new season is set to kick off on Sept. 9, as two shows are already down in the pipes. The first will be the youth choir’s own version of Stars in their Eyes based on a popular British TV show, where kids will pick their favourite pop star, impersonate the individual, come out fully dressed, singing their own version of that particular song. This show will be on Dec. 16, at Edward Milne community school theatre.

The second show will be Aladdin, slated for June, 2016. For this show auditions open this November.

For those thinking of joining, rehearsals will be on Wednesday evenings at Saseenos elementary, from 6 to 8 p.m. starting Sept. 9. To register, interested participants can visit the Sooke Youth Show Choir Facebook page in order to fill a registration form. Anyone kindergarden age or older can take part. A fee of $20 a month is required.

“Even if there are financial limitations for a child’s family, we will make it happen for that child to be a part of the show. That’s the main focus; to provide the arts for any child,” she said.

The fees cover the organization’s basic overhead costs, costumes, props and materials for each set.

to obtain a registration form, email the team at:

Sooke News Mirror