Steam locomotive to get a name

In a once in a lifetime opportunity, train enthusiasts had the opportunity to help name the Kettle Valley Steam Railway’s steam locomotive, the 3716.

In a once in a lifetime opportunity, train enthusiasts had the opportunity to help name the Kettle Valley Steam Railway’s steam locomotive, the 3716.

The Kettle Valley Steam Railway will be featured in an upcoming fall series on History Television, Name This, which is about, how  people, places and things get their names and the stories behind history’s famous names.

“We are very pleased to have been chosen by the producers to participate in this national television show,” says Ron Restrick, KVSR General Manager. “We want a name that evokes 3716’s proud heritage and importance to the Okanagan Valley.”

On May 7, at 1:30 p.m. the train, fully booked with local extras will depart Prairie Valley Station for a Great Train Robbery event, featuring the infamous Garnett Valley Gang, which will be captured on film. And May 8, the public is invited to attend a concert by Canadian singer, songwriter Matt Mays starting at 3:30 p.m. at Prairie Valley Station.

After the concert, 3716’s official new name will be revealed, chosen from suggestions submitted over the course of the last month.


Penticton Western News