The Ladysmith Waterfront Gallery hosts monthly art shows that can wet the juices of creative expression.

The Ladysmith Waterfront Gallery hosts monthly art shows that can wet the juices of creative expression.

Stepping into the gallery

For most artists and gallery-goers alike, a step into another’s creative space can wet the juices of creative expression.

For most artists and gallery-goers alike, a step into another’s creative space can wet the juices of creative expression.

Viewing another’s manifestation of their inner landscape can be inspiring and motivating and can make the onlooker linger in delightful reflection.

The viewer is often able to sense an artist’s agenda or direction as they created their work. Perhaps the viewer’s imagination is ignited and they are left wondering where the artist saw that vision. Was it an inner vision or something that exists? What created that vision? What joy or pain gave birth to the work in front of us?

Other artwork can leave the viewer beguiled, or not, and completely lost as to the inception of the vision. Either way, there is a reflective process.

The gallery-goer is usually one that appreciates the place that artists have the ability to go to let the work arrive.

It might be a still place, one that lets the most divine expression of creativity be activated. Or it might be a wild raucous place that lets the emotions run untethered, allowing the soul to generate anything repressed or held inside. Either way, when viewing, a sense of discipline and delivery is aroused. Just considering the patience and dedication to allow the emergence of what is inside an artist’s mind and heart is worthy of respect.

Art isn’t easy, nor is it necessarily challenging. For each artist, the process is different. But if you ask most artists, they will tell you that they do what brings them joy. Whether it’s the technique, the vision or the brush strokes, art is inspired from the inside out. Artists generally do what comes most effortlessly, for that is the nature of art. Otherwise, it is construction, not art.

If today is your first step into art or your thousandth, ponder on what brings you a sense of joy. What can you do today, in your artwork, your creative work — whether it’s music, writing, acting, dancing, sidewalk chalking, cooking, paper mache — to find a way to express what’s within and eager to get out?

And if viewing is more your thing, bring your imagination down to the Ladysmith Waterfront Gallery. In June, a Vancouver Island University art students collage show will invigorate your senses.

You can also partake in the Art Auction July 1 at Transfer Beach that celebrates painted furniture and paintings of Ladysmith, or participate in one of the many upcoming courses at the gallery.

We need your creative salivating to make our mandate complete.

Ladysmith Chronicle