Street banner designs sought

The Summerland Community Arts Council will display street banners around the community once again this year.

The Summerland Community Arts Council will display street banners around the community once again this year.

The banners will be painted by Summerland residents beginning next month, but Karan Bowyer, office manager at the arts council, urges those interested in creating a banner to submit their designs as early as possible.

“I had more people than banners last year,” she said.

This year, 50 banners will be displayed downtown and along a portion of Lakeshore Drive. These include 16 banners which will be painted by participants in the Good Will Shakespeare Festival in May.

The theme of this year’s banner project is “It’s Special To me.”

Designs must be submitted to the arts council for approval before the painting begins.

Bowyer said some designs have had to be modified before painting begins.

In addition, the designs may not include lettering or copyright images.

The painting process can be done in as little as six hours, although most will require 10 to 15 hours of painting time.

The entire canvas must be painted to protect it from sun damage.

The banners will be installed by the May long weekend. At the end of the season, the banners will be sold through a silent auction, which ends on Oct. 31.

To submit a banner design, pick up an application form at the Summerland Art Gallery, 9908 Main St. or visit


Summerland Review