Street Sounds: Ginger and Rose produce full sound

Review of Full Moon Sessions by Vernon singer/songwriter duo Ginger and Rose, feat. Jayme McKillop and Lowell Friesen.

Vernon singer/songwriter duo, Ginger and Rose’s (Lowell Friesen and Jayme McKillop) first album is a simpatico mix of roots and folk sounds with a suggestion of maritime balladry.

Friesen and McKillop, formerly of the North Okanagan jam band Curbside Music Co., mix in their inspirations naturally and Full Moon Sessions has a sound that’s as welcoming as a lit up log cabin in the dark woods.

The duo’s fleet-fingered acoustic guitar skills inform their songwriting, which is a straight ahead blend of folk-rock uplift and introspective themes with a luminous mood.

McKillop and Friesen are distinct vocal personalities, both gifted with rich voices and candid delivery – the type of singers who can set a listener at ease.

They don’t get Nashville-style crazy on their harmonies, but choose to colour their solid songs with honest harmonies.

They take an old school traditional approach to songwriting duties and credits: the writer sings his/her own song. As such, it’s easy to figure out who wrote what.

McKillop’s songs show her Tracy Chapman/Alannis Morisette-style of delivery (I Believe) with tasteful and intuitive chord patterns. Friesen’s friendly voice suggests an East Coast vibe in his western style (Only Beauty).

What is unique is how the two musicians play off of each other – one gets the sense of an understanding and sensitive interplay.

This interaction is carried over into the recording of Full Moon Sessions, where attention to sound and detail was paid during production. The sound suits the songs – it’s warm and natural.

The purpose of recording is to move emotions through the speakers to create an atmosphere and they get that done.

The sense of good vibes is prevalent in the songs.

Dean Gordon-Smith is a Vernon-based musician who reviews new releases for The Morning Star every Friday.

Vernon Morning Star