Student artwork on exhibit

Student artwork on exhibit

Summerland Art Gallery features works by high school students

Friends and family of students from Summerland Secondary School filled the Art Centre on Friday night for the opening of Through Our Eyes, a Summerland Secondary School Showcase.

The show was put together by art teacher Aleita Lloyd using artwork from two different classes, photography and Art 10 to 12, with 40 students contributing art to the exhibit.

“My main thing is trying to get them to have some fun,” said Lloyd. It wasn’t about teaching students to create perfect art, she added. The art that was created was process-based, so students had the opportunity to learn a few skills while having fun with creating.

Artwork by the students included watercolour paintings, pottery, photography and collage and students filled the gallery, bringing friends and family, to see their work on display.

As part of the night, students who participated in the show were given junior memberships to the Summerland Community Art Council.

Entertainment for the event was provided by a pair of Summerland Secondary students performing music with a violin and saxophone.

The show runs at the Summerland Art Centre until March 24.

Summerland Review