Submit your songs for the Canadian Folk Music Awards

The 10th anniversary edition of the CFM Awards weekend takes place Nov. 27-29 in Ottawa

The deadline to submit for the 10th anniversary edition of the Canadian Folk Music Awards (CFMA) is approaching. Canadian artists and groups whose albums were released in Canada between June 15, 2013 to June 14, 2014 are eligible.

Established by Canada’s burgeoning and internationally-recognized folk music community, the awards currently boast 20 categories. Five nominees are chosen for each category.

A three-stage jury process by 100 jurors located across Canada representing all official provinces, territories and languages determine the official winners in each category. Complete eligibility requirements are listed at

The final deadline to submit is July 14, 2014. While most submissions to the CFMA’s involve mailing submission entries, this year, two categories (Pushing the Boundaries and Young Performer) will also accept digital submissions.

The 10th anniversary edition of the CFMA weekend takes place Nov. 27-29 in Ottawa, and includes concerts from many of the nominees. The gala awards event, featuring live performances from some of the best of Canada’s folk community, happens at the Bronson Centre on Nov. 29.


Kelowna Capital News