Teen jam gives birth to band

Youths rock on at Salmon Arm music camp, forming a band and playing at the Ross Street Plaza.

Accidentally on Purpose band members Madeline Genn, Keara Muir, Dominik Wilkie and Kameron Kriese perform on stage July 5.

Accidentally on Purpose band members Madeline Genn, Keara Muir, Dominik Wilkie and Kameron Kriese perform on stage July 5.

Some bands struggle to find an audience, but after only three days of being together as a band, this group already had their first gig, playing at Friday’s Lunchbox Stage at the Ross Street Plaza.

Their band name reflects the way they came together — Accidentally on Purpose.

The four band members, Maddie Genn, 16, Kameron Kriese, 15,  Keara Muir, 15 and Dominik Wilkie, 14,  came together as part of Roxy Roth’s Teen Jam, a summer program for the teens to rock out and try their hand at a host of different instruments.

“The name? Well, it was by accident,” said Muir with the others joining in on the laughter.

Despite not knowing each other beforehand, let alone having played together, the band seemed to gel after such a short time and took on the challenge of a public performance.

The band members all have had some musical training, but each of them also took on the challenge of playing an unfamiliar instrument, from drums to keyboard to electric guitar.

The band performed three cover songs, School’s Out, Born to be Wild and their encore, Crazy Train.

“There was some cramming,” Genn admits, “But it’s been really fun.”

And the teens are hoping Accidentally on Purpose can continue to make some music.

“It would be cool to keep it up,” Muir said.


Salmon Arm Observer