Teen musical theatre

No out-of-place angst in the Bard to Broadway junior play, Into the Woods

Students in B2B’s Teen Musical Theatre practice for their upcoming performance of Into the Woods.

Students in B2B’s Teen Musical Theatre practice for their upcoming performance of Into the Woods.

Students in Bard to Broadway’s Teen Musical Theatre (TMT)program were earnestly practicing last week for their big public production of Into the Woods (junior version) to be performed August 19 and 20 in Parksville.

The program teaches the students, aged 12-16, everything they need to know about putting on a show, said instructor Hilary Whelton. This year’s crop of enthusiastic kids had a nice mix of newcomers and the experienced, she said, including a number of kids from B2B’s recent Anne of Green Gables production.

This ratio works well as the more seasoned teens mentor those new to the theatre world.

“It fosters a good sense of community among the kids,” Whelton said.

Into the Woods is a story that involves all the big fairy tale characters like Little Red Riding Hood, Jack from Jack and Beanstalk and Rapunzel, crossing paths in the woods, Whelton explained.

Instructor Donna Wilkins said it’s a great play for all ages.

“The children love it for the colourfulness and the music and the adults love it for the humour that might go over (the kids’) heads.”

TMT’s Into the Woods will have two performances at Knox United Church in Parksville, Friday, Aug. 19 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 20 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $10 plus HST (cash or cheque only) available at The Shoe Inn in Qualicum Beach, Cranky Dog Music in Parksville or at Knox United Church. For more information on Bard to Broadway visit www.b2btheatre.com or call 250-752-4470.


Parksville Qualicum Beach News