The Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra performs June 17 in Creston.

The Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra performs June 17 in Creston.

Tequila Mockingbird will be second-last concert at Creston’s Sasquatch

Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra performing June 17 as second-to-last concert at Creston live music venue...

The Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra will the be second-to-last concert at the Snoring Sasquatch when it performs tomorrow, returning to Creston after a concert last year.

The five-piece band is, according to its website, “a collection of musicians, linked by common sonic journeys and familial ties. … Now they are here in the room with you, the way music in the folk tradition always is, to bring people together, to share real flesh, blood and feeling.”

Tequila Mockingbird’s members are Ian Griffiths, Kurt Loewen, Paul Wolda, Mack Shields and Keith Roger.

“They’ll weave their stories with guitars and violins, with accordions and bass, with melodies and music makers gleaned from their wanderings,” says “Here are the troubadours to remind you that this music … could not exist without warm bodies in search of harmony.”

Doors to the June 17 show open at 7 p.m.; the show begins at 8. Tickets are $18 in advance, available at Buffalo Trails Coffee House, Kingfisher Used Books and Black Bear Books, and $20 at the door.

Creston Valley Advance