Terry Fox Run 2020

The year 2020 will be known for many things. For the Annual Terry Fox Run Day, creativity is the word. In the 40th year of the Run, people had to find a way to participate alone, in small groups, but "together" with the world.

Lauri Deveau and Myle’ne Labonte’ at Juniper Gym as part of the 2020 Terry Fox Run. (Deb Meisnner photo)

Lauri Deveau and Myle’ne Labonte’ at Juniper Gym as part of the 2020 Terry Fox Run. (Deb Meisnner photo)

The year 2020 will be known for many things. For the Annual Terry Fox Run Day, creativity is the word. In the 40th year of the Run, people had to find a way to participate alone, in small groups, but “together” with the world.

In our area some people ran, some hiked, others worked out, went skateboarding, even orienteering. They found creative ways to participate, raise money and keep Terry Fox’s wish alive: to fund research that would one day find a cure for Cancer.

On April 12, 1980 Fox dipped his artificial leg into the Atlantic Ocean and began his Marathon of Hope Run. His hope was to have every Canadian donate $1.00 to fight cancer. The national population at that time was 24.1 million, by the end of 1980 the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope had raised $24.17million.

In April 2020 the Terry Fox Foundation announced that over $800 million has been raised to support cancer research in Terry’s name, and Terry Fox Run Days are held around the world.

Smithers Interior News