Left to right: Jimmy Bowskill (guitar), Sam Corbett (drums), Ewen Currie (guitar), Ryan Gullen (bass). Not pictured: Shamus Currie on keyboards.

Left to right: Jimmy Bowskill (guitar), Sam Corbett (drums), Ewen Currie (guitar), Ryan Gullen (bass). Not pictured: Shamus Currie on keyboards.

Testifying to the flock

The Sheepdogs rock the house in Cranbrook, Feb. 26

Rising rock and roll outfit out of Saskatoon, The Sheepdogs brought their straight-ahead brand of blues rock, powered by vocal and guitar harmonies to the Key City Theatre in Cranbrook Thursday, Feb. 25, and played a hard-driving show in front of a sold out house. Opening act The Beat Cops, from Montreal, warmed up the crowd.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman