The German Romantics

Nancy Washeim and Chorus featured in Chamber Players’ March concerts

Nancy Washeim to perform with Sooke Philharmonic Chamber Players and Chorus.

Nancy Washeim to perform with Sooke Philharmonic Chamber Players and Chorus.

The wonderful Nancy Washeim will be joining the Sooke Philharmonic Chorus on Saturday, March 21 and Sunday March 22 to present the last concerts in this winter’s Chamber Players series.  The March concerts, billed as The German Romantics, will be conducted by Wade Noble.

The Elegischer Gesang Op 118, by Beethoven, is written for string quartet and four voices, but at this concert we will have the opportunity to hear it with full choir and chamber orchestra.

The choir will also be singing Nänie, Op. 82 by Brahms, a funeral song for chorus  and orchestra.

Psalm 42, Op 42 by Mendelssohn, “Wie der Hirsch schreit” (“As pants the Hart”), will be sung by Nancy Washeim.

“Mendelssohn’s Psalm 42 is so beautiful, and it is a lot fun getting the chance to sing a solo part that is so intertwined with the choir.  It feels very collaborative,” said Washeim.

She will also be singing the Schubert lieder, Die Forelle (The Trout), Nacht und Träume  (Night and Dreams), An die Musik (To Music), which she recently performed with pianist Jane Edler-Davis at Christ Church Cathedral. She told us that it will be very interesting to hear these lieder with orchestra, as they are not usually performed that way.  There are new colours and sounds with an orchestra which give the songs a completely different feel and a unique warmth.

The Saturday concert takes place at 7:30 p.m. at Sooke Community Hall (2037 Shields Road) and the one on Sunday will be at 2:30  p.m. at New St. Mary’s Church in Metchosin.

In Sooke, tickets are available at the Little Vienna Bakery, Shoppers Drug Mart, South Shore Gallery, and Wood Travel and Cruise. Metchosin ticket-buyers can go to the Metchosin Country Store or Tom Lee in Westshore. In Victoria, go to Long and McQuade or Ivy’s Bookstore.

See also, where tickets can be ordered as well.

Sooke News Mirror