Cast members of Into the Mirror have been rehearsing at the bandshell at Ed Macgregor Park because of the ongoing teachers' strike. They perform at EMCS June 4 and 5.

Cast members of Into the Mirror have been rehearsing at the bandshell at Ed Macgregor Park because of the ongoing teachers' strike. They perform at EMCS June 4 and 5.

The show must go on despite strike

Student productions opens tonight for two-night run

Britt Santowski

Sooke News Mirror

Sometimes, a picture is worth a thousand words; other times, words are required to augment the story. Take this photo for example. In it, you’ll see most of the cast for the EMCS’s year-end production, Into The Mirror, at the bandstand at Ed Macgregor Park. In it, each actor assumes the character they will be living in the play. They look like a talented bunch.

What this picture cannot tell you is that the play’s production was impacted by the current dispute between B.C. politicians and our teachers. Because of the lock-out, the instructors involved in supporting the students produce this musical could not attend rehearsals.

The first thing this photo does not capture in a click is the students’ drive and initiative. Not letting politics get into the way of a hard-earned year-end show, these students self organized a rehearsal at Ed Macgregor Park. They themselves pulled it together, and pulled it off.

The second thing that this photo does not show is that when asked if they intend to vote as soon as they are legally able, all students in almost one voice replied with a passionate “Yes!” This response suggests that today’s youth are politically astute, with opinions of their own, eagerly awaiting the day  where their opinion not just matters, but actually counts at the ballot.

Presented in the context of this verbiage then, this photo suggests — even if it does not capture — evidence for an involved electorate in the future. This group of today’s informed youth plan to be both seen and heard tomorrow. Literally, and metaphorically.

“The cast and crew are a remarkable group of students,” remarked one of their teachers. “Their dedication is the reason ‘The show must go on’.”

Into The Mirror enjoys it’s gala opening on Wednesday, June 4; the following night, Thursday, June 5, will be its closing night. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the show begins at 7.

Sooke News Mirror