The Showroom never sleeps over the holidays

The Duncan Showroom is celebrating over the holidays with some kind of event on offer almost every day.

Duncan Showroom owner Longevity John Falkner is well-known for making sure there’s something on offer in downtown Duncan over the Christmas break.

Duncan Showroom owner Longevity John Falkner is well-known for making sure there’s something on offer in downtown Duncan over the Christmas break.

The Duncan Showroom is celebrating over the holidays with some kind of event on offer almost every day.

Owner Longevity John Falkner is known for trying to ensure that single folks and other people without family nearby can still enjoy some Christmas season warmth and fellowship, as well as, of course, great entertainment.

On Wednesday, Dec. 23, starting at 8 p.m., he’s got Tom Holliston of NoMeansNo fame, in for a solo show. Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door.

Falkner is also promising to offer something on Christmas Eve but hadn’t decided what by press time.

“It may be a movie, or it may be live music. Stay in touch, it will be fun,” he said.

On Dec. 25, from 8 a.m. to noon, the Showroom is offering breakfast and movies “for those that wish to be alone on Christmas day yet would like to hang out with like minded peeps. It’s just like it says. Do come join us for companionship or even help in the preparations if you choose to. Admission is by donation.”

By Saturday, Dec. 26, it’s time for the Theatre Seat Acquisition Anniversary show, which starts at 8 p.m.

“For sure there will live music, just not sure who yet, in celebration of 14 years since the theatre seats were picked up,” Falkner promises.

A special day, on Sunday, Dec. 27, is the Post-Xmas Food Basket Benefit day. From 4 p.m. until 11p.m. he plans to allot half- hour time slots to showcase local musicians. Admission is by donation and proceeds will go to the Cowichan Valley Basket Society.

Valley showman Bill Levity is on hand Tuesday, Dec. 29 with his For the Love of Words evening, which starts at 7:30 p.m.

He’s a singer/songwriter/poet/thespian and genial host, so if you have written words or so enjoy another’s writings enough to share them, then this is the evening for you.

Admission is $5 for readers, $7 for others.

The Showroom is closed New Years Eve for a private party but on Jan. 1, starting at 8 p.m., Hannah and Paige take the stage.

“Singer/songwriter Hannah has been away for a semester to the east coast and her time home needed a Paige moment or two. What a way to start off the new year. Do think of joining us, you will smile,” Falkner says.

Admission is $15 in advance or $18 door.

Cowichan Valley Citizen