The Stanfields hit Revelstoke with new, heavier album in tow

All the way from Nova Scotia, The Stanfields play the Last Drop on Saturday, Oct. 10.

The Stanfields play the Last Drop this Saturday, Oct. 10.

The Stanfields play the Last Drop this Saturday, Oct. 10.

All the way from Nova Scotia, The Stanfields are about to hit Revelstoke as part of a cross-Canada tour.

Their music mixes heavy rock with a traditional Maritime sound. Their latest album, Modem Operandi, is considered their heaviest yet. They’ll be playing songs off Modem Operandi this Saturday, Oct. 10, at the Last Drop. Tickets are $10.

We caught up with them via e-mail just as they hit B.C. earlier this week.

1. This is considered your heaviest album to date. What inspired the shift in that direction?

Collectively, I think we were feeling like it was a proper move, considering we had previously released an all acoustic record (For King and Country). There was a certain amount of obnoxious feedback that we needed to get out of the system. The songs also dictated our approach.

2. What was the song writing and recording process like for your new album Modem Operandi?

It began as a collection of rough demos that I made up in my home studio and shared with the guys. From there, we went through an intensive demo and arrangement process at Auratone Studios, a wonderful little studio in Bavaria, while we were in the midst of a summer festival tour over in Europe. It was definitely the most care we had ever put into the pre-production process.

3. How’s your cross-Canada tour going? I’ve talked to lots of bands who have made the trip and it gets mixed reviews. What are your highlights and lowlights?

They say there is a broken up band for every mile of the Trans-Canada highway. Luckily, touring is old hat to us, so there aren’t too many highs or lows. Just a nice comfortable medium. The shows are going great and everyone is smiling.

4. As an east coast band, do you notice any differences between audiences over there, versus audiences out here in Western Canada?

Nothing worth mentioning, although a lot of Maritimers tend to come out of the wood work everywhere we go.

5. If you could set up your own dream show, what three other bands would you play with, why and where?

Springsteen, Planxty and Queens of the Stone Age would be ridiculous. We would perform at my uncle’s camp back in NS. These are three of my all time favourite performers and writers.

6. What is a Stanfields show like?

Depends on the night. These days we are touring our rock show, so it’s pretty loud, high energy fun. Thats the currency we deal in. Thats the way we like it.

Check out the Stanfields vido for The Fight Song:

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