Pictured, left to right: Bob Clark, Cosima Wells, Shawna Plant, Steve Knowles, Judy Cleland, Rollie Cummins, Bill Cleland. In front, Lindsay Vermette, Maya Vermette, Isaac Vermette. Not pictured: Tim Ross and the Loco Roadies Jon Bisset and Doug Crawley. (Barry Coulter photo)

Pictured, left to right: Bob Clark, Cosima Wells, Shawna Plant, Steve Knowles, Judy Cleland, Rollie Cummins, Bill Cleland. In front, Lindsay Vermette, Maya Vermette, Isaac Vermette. Not pictured: Tim Ross and the Loco Roadies Jon Bisset and Doug Crawley. (Barry Coulter photo)

The tradition carries on

Locals Coffee House, Saturday, Jan. 13, at the Studio Stage Door

The latest in the Locals Coffee House concert series, Saturday, Jan. 13, featured a diverse range of performers and the usual packed house.

On the bill were the “Loco Roadies” — Jon Bisset and Doug Crawley, who dropped their backstage duties to fill in for a replacement.

Bill Cleland and Isaac Vermette took the stage — a grandfather and grandson duo — to regale the audience with a set of Woody Guthrie tunes.

Shawna Plant and Cosima Wells soared in two-part vocal harmony.

The Cleland family band SageGrass took the stage again in the second half, with a member of each generation taking a song.

Cowboy rocker Tim Ross performed some originals and some covers.

The fabulous, fantastic and famous Tick Magnets — Steve Knowles, Bob Clark and Rollie Cummins — closed the show.

The next Locals Coffee House is set for Saturday, Feb. 3.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman