The Versatiles celebrate 10 years on stage with Cloverdale show

The multifaceted troupe of golden-aged performers present Vagabond: Are We There Yet? Saturday, June 13 at Clayton Heights Secondary.

The Society of Versatile Entertainers presents Vagabond: Are We There Yet? A 10-year anniversary show.

The Society of Versatile Entertainers presents Vagabond: Are We There Yet? A 10-year anniversary show.

From community festivals, hospitals, and elementary schools to the stage at the Cloverdale Legion, the Versatiles have performed in an astonishing array of venues.

Formed in 2005, the Cloverdale-based troupe of golden-aged performers is marking that milestone with a special anniversary show – a road trip of sorts.

Vagabonds: Are We There Yet? is a musical trip through history, presented twice on June 13 at Clayton Heights Secondary, first as a 2:30 p.m. matinee and later as an evening show (6:30 p.m.). Special guest Jennifer Scott is a musician and instructor.

The Versatiles are a non-profit group looking to raise enough money to build a Vaudeville type theatre and entertainment museum in Cloverdale.

Founder Susie Francis Hall comes from a family of old-fashioned entertainers. Her father was Fran Dowie and her mom was Candy Kane, and she has been performing professionally since the age of seven.

Francis has a tireless devotion to a style of music and laughter that originated out of Vaudeville, which is where the show starts off. From there, the musical numbers head north to the Gold Fields and Yukon, then to the Calgary Stampede and the prairies, out east to Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland, veering south to New York, Texas, Hollywood and Reno, and finally back home, by way of Vancouver Island.

Tickets to Vagabonds are available by calling 604-613-3116 or email to win tickets.

Cloverdale Reporter