Sights at Shambhala Music Festival's Village Stage at the Salmo River Ranch.

Sights at Shambhala Music Festival's Village Stage at the Salmo River Ranch.

The Village Stage comes to The Royal in Nelson

Nelson music lovers will get a chance to see some of the DJs taking the Village Stage at Shambhala this summer.

The Shambhala Music Festival countdown has begun and to help locals get excited about this year’s line-up and allow those who didn’t get tickets to the sold-out festival a chance to see some of the acts, The Royal is hosting a showcase of the Village Stage DJs. The Shambhala crew caught up with the DJs before the show tonight.

Mr B:

You are set to play the Rock Pit for this year’s Shambhala. What is your affiliation with the Village that makes you an official part of A Night With the Village Crew?

I’d known early crew for a number of years while I lived in Calgary and started hammering nails in the Village in 2007. It was the first time we restored the perimeter of the catwalks in a continuous circle around the dancefloor. It revitalized the vibe of the rotating stage days. Z-Trip played that year and the place went bonkers. I’ve been back with the Village every year since then and have played three of the last four. After relocating to Nelson in September it’s fitting to have locals involved with the show at the Royal. A night out with homies is always welcome where I’m from.


What can the audience expect from you teaming up with Fat Pat as The Big Dirty that they wouldn’t get with each of you individually?

They get a double dose of extra fat basslines and good times. When Pat and I get together, everything gets an extra helping of grease. Layering vocals and other elements onto each other’s mixes, utilizing four turntables and two mixers to serve up fresh hearty bass biscuits.

Fat Pat:

How would you describe the vibe of the Village and how do you plan on mimicking that at The Royal?

The vibe of the Village is comparable to 100 pounds of wiggling kittens in a 50 pound bag. There is nothing like it. With eyeball massaging bass, amazing performers, amazing people and a beautiful forest atmosphere you can’t help but be overwhelmed with warm fuzzies and the biggest grin your face has ever seen.  The Village night at The Royal will simulate this atmosphere with friendly faces, a visually stunning stage installation, thick pumping PK speakers and fresh bass nuggets to kick your chestbone in its junk…. as well as a bag of kittens.

Stone Lee:

What is your history with Shambhala and PK Sound? What did it take for you to get booked to play the Village for 2012?

When I first got involved with Shambhala and PK I was hanging out a lot with Fat Pat, and in awe after my first Shambhala. I thought it would be fun to get my hands dirty and give back to this festival that had already given so much to me. Well that was many moons ago now and I’ve been volunteering in the village every year since. Around the same time, I started helping Fat Pat with the stage design for PK shows. What started out with just Pat doing them, to me helping him, has grown into a full blown stage design crew called the Space Invaderz. I just put in my time knowing that something good would come if it. And this year it did in grand form. Playing the Village is a dream come true, and I don’t know how many times I’ve been in the DJ booth at the Village picturing Stone Lee at the helm of the bass beast. Work hard and dream. I dropped the pebble, now the ripples are making their way across the pond.


Nelson Star