Portal Players Dramatic Society is launching a new community drama program called SCENEiors, targeting senior citizens.
Created with the help of Literacy Alberni, SCENEiors is a unique drama program with the express goal of engaging and educating senior citizens about the world of theatre through the creation of an original production based on the history of Port Alberni, as seen through the eyes of the communities senior citizens.
Participants will shape the subject and scope of the production, they will be given a chance to participate in the writing process, interviewing, and a number of hands on workshops run by professionals, including; acting, directing, costumes, design, sound, light, stage management, and set construction.
The groups first meeting took place on Wednesday, May 17 and will continue on each Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Literacy Alberni, 5100 Tebo Street.
“We hope that anyone interested in learning more or taking part will drop by,” said artistic director, Naomi Boutwell. “We are still very much in the recruitment stage, I am trying to get more people involved at the moment.”
Boutwell said she expects the program to be fun and engaging.
“Seniors can be involved in a variety of ways, acting, directing, writing, sound design, light design, set construction, or story telling. We are actively looking for people who have great stories about our Valley and who are interested in sharing them,” she said.
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Senior’s Programs.
“The Government of Canada is proud to support the Portal Players Dramatic Society through the New Horizons for Seniors Program,” said the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, minister of families, children and social development in a press release. “The Society’s timely SCENEiors project will help give local seniors the unique opportunity to research, document and stage a theatrical production focusing on the history and heritage of Port Alberni.”
For more information visit sceneiors.wixsite.com or email sceneiors@gmail.com.