Theatre Skam remixes old shows

As part if its 20th anniversary celebrations, Skam is bringing new life to some of its old shows.

Theatre Skam has been entertaining Victoria audiences with its creative performances for 20 years now.

Kicking off the new year, Skam is hosting its annual Birthday Bash party on Saturday, Jan. 17 at 7 p.m. at the Atrium, 800 Yates St. There will be live music, appetizers, door prizes, a silent auction, a live auction adn a cash bar. Tickets are $25 each with one entry into the door prize raffle, or $100 each for 20 entries into the raffle.

Going forward, Skam will be looking back on some of its best shows and giving them new life through different interpretations.

“The theory is that we’re doing four older Skam shows and giving them over to different companies to reinterpret and remix them,” said Max Johnson, associate artistic producer of Skam.

The series, Skam Remixed, starts on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 by adapting Aerwacol, produced by Skam on railway platforms and under bridges in 2000, into Skam Remixed: Ballet Victoria’s Aerwacol, part of Dance Victoria’s Dance Days.

“It’s going to be recognizable as a new piece of theatre inspired by old Skam work, but it’s also going to be very different,” said Johnson.

Other remixed performances will take place from April 30 to May 9 and Aug. 26 to Sept. 5. Tickets are available at the Royal and McPherson theatres society box office.

For more information call 250-386-7526 or go online to


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