THREE THINGS TO DO in #SurreyBC: A look back at Surrey Archives, Family Sunday at gallery, ‘March Madness’ wrestling in Cloverdale

A weekly guide to some go-to events happening in Surrey

The opening of Surrey Memorial Hospital in 1959.

The opening of Surrey Memorial Hospital in 1959.

1. Old stories and photos will be shared when Surrey Archives hosts a free presentation highlighting the years of 1930 to 1979 in Surrey, at an event on Saturday, March 11 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. “It was a vital 50 years for the city, with so many imporant events taking place,” archivist Chelsea Bailey says. “The presentation will provide great insight into what shaped Surrey. People will walk away from the presentation with some excellent conversation starters.” People of all ages are welcome to attend, but pre-registration is required by calling 604-502-6459. Surrey Archives is located at 17671 56th Ave., Surrey, in the historic 1912 Municipal Hall. CLICK HERE to visit the facility online.

2. Another “Family Sunday” event is happening at Surrey Art Gallery this weekend (March 12), with art-making activities, an interactive magic show featuring Travis Bernhardt and more. The event is free and everyone is welcome – but kids must attend with at least one adult in tow. CLICK HERE to learn more about the event and also the gallery’s latest exhibits, at the Bear Creek Park facility.

3. At Cloverdale Fairgrounds, it’s “March Madness” time in the All Star Wrestling ring at Alice MacKay building, on Friday, March 10 starting at the 7:30 p.m. bell time. This weekend, the featured match has “King of Sleaze” Joey Ryan up against El Phantasmo, and Mr. India will defend his ASW Trans-Canada Title belt versus Christopher “The Ideal Reflection” Ryseck, among about bouts. CLICK HERE for the latest info, or call 604-710-0872.

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